Sunday, March 1, 2009

Our baby's 21 years old?

Can time have traveled so fast? I believe it was a moment ago that I found out I was pregnant. Fast forward "21 years" and what a young women you have become. I have tried to help you navigate the uncharted waters of this life. I have learned to love unconditionally and oh Lord have you stretched me on that one. Your beauty amazes me, and the desire of my heart is to have you completely fall head over heals in love with Jesus. Right now that isn't your path and I know that you will one day return to the only thing that will satisfy your soul. My sweet girl we were built with a deep need to be loved and known. Jesus is so faithful to know what is best for us, he doesn't want to be the buzz kill, he sweet daughter will be the Life of the party if you let him. So today I wanted to tell you that after nine months of caring you and a suprise c-section delivery on "Leap Day" February 29th, 1988 at 11:15 pm you came into my world to make me a better women, first time mother, and to open my heart like never before. You paved the way for me to be better and I sweet daughter will be forever grateful for the gift that is YOU.

Your mom loves you so much it hurts in a very good way.