Saturday, January 10, 2009

Marking an Anniversary

This month, January 2009 marks an anniversary in our lives. A prodigal son came home from a very long time of pit dwelling and a woman with equal time in a pit chose to believe that with Him all things are possible. Our heavenly father looked down upon our sorry mess and gave us a New Beginning. Our family started the process of receiving a healing from the Lord Jesus. He spoke into all the broken places and because of Him when things were at there worst, He made us to be at our very best.

As we look back and celebrate Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior, we can't help but hang our heads and let the tears fall as we praise him for His shameless grace in our lives. My favorite bible teacher Beth Moore has often taught about the timeline of our lives. We have the ability to remember all the God stops along the way when we rest in His Presence and allow our minds to journey back and see the things that could have only come from a God who loves us more than we can ever fathom.

So today I choose to tell Him that if it were not for His divine intervention into our live 10 years ago I can honestly say that our family would not be together today. I love you Lord and I am so grateful for your never ending love, grace, mercy, forgiveness, restoration, correction and hope.

"For I know the plans I have for you,: declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future, Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

Jeremiah 29:11-13 NIV

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Out of my comfort zone and loving it.

I know for some this blogging thing is old hat, however today January 1, 2009 I am posting my first entry on my new blog. It's crazy to be this excited about something, but I am.
I have contemplated for a while about starting my own blog, and after a couple of years of commenting in the blog sphere I have taken the plunge. It is out of my comfort zone, and I am loving it.
I have prayed about the title of my blog for a while, and then this morning as I was visiting some of my favorite blog spots it came to me. I have often commented to others in the faith that "Life is impossible without Jesus and the Hope of Eternity." It was a "Tada" moment for me. I could feel the Lord smile at me as if he was laughing with me at that moment. I love when He delights us like that in the little ways and the big ways. He continues to be the one constant in our lives and I never want to be without Him.
I am excited about this adventure of blogging and hope that I will be able to learn from all my sister's in Christ as I continue in this media of communication.
I pray that this year I will be committed to going deeper with Him in all that he has for me and my family.
May His Grace, Peace and Prosperity be upon all those that call him Abba.