Thursday, February 5, 2009

Grateful for Today

I am grateful for today. I have a short drive time to the office and I use that time to pray and talk to Jesus. I love to blast the worship music and laugh at myself when I notice a hand (okay occasionally two hands) lifted to his throne. I don't even pay attention to the stares.

On my way into the work I get a nice view of the Pacific Ocean and as far as I am concerned it always takes my breath away and reminds me of His Majesty. I love the beach, it is peaceful to walk on the sand in the early morning, drinking coffee and watching the surfers compete for that "one wave." I feel close to Jesus there and the vast expanse reminds me how much he loves me. So it is fitting to let you know that I was baptized in the waves. It was a great day celebrating with our church family. They kept me safe and I came out feeling cleansed, renewed and deeply loved.